Drop your wild & crazy dog off with us in the morning and we will return a calmer version to you in the afternoon! We all lead crazy lives these days – meetings, commitments, appointments, and functions often take time away from your four legged companion. Numerous studies show that meeting your dog’s exercise needs helps behavior issues at home. and this equates to a better relationship between dog and person.
Dogs at daycare can play, fetch, tug, wrestle, and chase to their hearts content! Dog daycare provides over 6000 square feet of climate controlled indoor play area for your dog, complete with tons of toys and playground equipment to romp on. When they need a break from the action, we have bright colored beds and recliners for dogs to catch a catnap and recharge their beastly batteries.
Our staff are all Red Cross Canine First Aid certified and participate in continuing education, and they all have ridiculous amounts of passion for pooches. Dogs are managed by our staff all day and rewarded for good behaviors.
Our flexible menu offers daily rates and multiple visit punch cards to fit everyone’s schedule.
Daycare Hours:
Monday–Friday: 7:00am–5:30pm
Scheduled Saturdays: By Reservation (December 1st through March 30th only)
Daycare Menu:
- Single Full Day $35 (2nd dog/same family – $25)
- Single Half Day $25 (2nd dog/same family – $20) (half day is 5 ½ hours or less)
- Punchcard Packages:
- 5 full days $150 (2nd dog – $125)
- 10 full days $300 (2nd dog – $250)
- 5 half days $100 (2nd dog – $75)
- 10 half days $200 (2nd dog – $150)
- Unlimited Month – full days $450 (2nd dog – $350)
- Unlimited Month – half days $ 345 (2nd dog – $ 245)
*5 & 10 Full and Half Day packages expire one year from date of purchase. Unlimited month packages expire 30/31 calendar days from date of purchase.
**Late pick up fees – $1 each minute past 5:30pm (Our late fee is VERY motivating to get your butt here by the 5:30pm pick up time! If your dog is not picked up by 8pm, they will be sold to a traveling circus for several gold doubloons.)
Playground Rules:
- All dogs are separated by size and play style
- All dogs must be spayed or neutered by the age of 7 months (*ask us about exceptions)
- All dogs must meet vaccine/titer requirements
- All dogs must have proof of a negative fecal from their veterinarian within the first month of attending daycare
- We DO NOT accept dogs who are reactive to other dogs or people
- Dogs who are incessant barkers are stressed out and dog daycare is not a good fit for them
- Pups may start attending dog daycare at 12 weeks of age and will play in the small dog daycare
- Please enter daycare in a safe manner – check out this video on how you can practice and enter the daycare room with your dog